North Face Farm:  Fina / Sid Litter

Fina / Sid

Fina ABC 288755 / Sid ABCA 366874 (CBCA 9354)
Birthdate: Feb 17 2012
Breeder: Maria Amodei

Puppy pics, 4 and 5 only
Puppy pics, 7 weeks
Puppy pics, 5 weeks
Puppy pics, 4 weeks
Puppy pics, 2 weeks
Puppy pics, 1 week
Puppy pics, 1 day

Fina was been bred to Sally Molloy's Sid. She whelped 6 girls and 1 boy on February 17th. Pups have all left for their new homes.

Fina is a quiet dog on her stock with a fair amount of power. She is biddable and quite stylish. She has a calm and lovely way of taking hold of her stock and holding a line. Fina knows how to push and does well on balky stock. She is a successful Open trial dog who has placed and won both on recalcitrant wool sheep and light katadins. Hips OFA Good, Elbows OFA Normal, CEA DNA Normal by parentage

Photo of Fina © Sharon Perkins

Sid is a young dog who was started late. He is relaxed with his stock, biddable and sensible. He is a direct dog who holds a line well, yet has free flanks when needed. Sid has a stable and friendly temperament, eager to work with his handler. His sire is Michael Gallagher's Cap. His mother Gyp has been on the Irish team. Sid has one litter on the ground, very promising at a young age, keen to work, happy to partner, and easy to train. Hips OFA Good, CEA DNA Normal

Imp. Sid ABC 366874
CBCA 9354

Sally Molloy
Breeder: D. McMullan
OFA Good

## Cap ISDS 270159
Michael Gallagher
Breeder: D. Campbell, Argyll

1st place International Supreme Championship 2010 - Supreme Champion 2010
1st place International Qualification Trial 2010
1st place International Driving Championship 2010
3rd place World Trial 2011
5th place International Qualification Trial 2008
8th place International Supreme Championship 2008
2nd place Irish National 2008
2nd in Irish National Team 2008

Cap ISDS 213154
Robert Dalziel, Scotland

## Wisp ISDS 161487
Robert Dalziel, Scotland
# Dot ISDS 180149
Robert Dalziel, Scotland

Fly ISDS 236165
D. Campbell, Argyll

Zac ISDS 218723
N. MacDonald, UK
Connie ISDS 201550
N.A. MacDonald, Selkirk, Scotland

Gyp ISDS 260314
D. McMullan, Dunloy, Co Antrim
Breeder: D. McMullan

Scoot ISDS 223955
D. Birchall, UK

Jock ISDS 183101
Brad Benchley, AB Canada
Jess ISDS 189281
S. Kilroy, Eire

Fly ISDS 249719
D. McMullan, Dunloy, Co. Antrim

Craig ISDS 205979
A.H.D. Mawhinney, N. Ireland
Nip ISDS 227017
C. McNaughton, N. Ireland

Fina ABC 288755
Darlene Hutchins
Breeder: Darlene Hutchins
OFA Hips Good, Elbows Normal
CEA DNA Normal by parentage

Imp. Ken ABC 204289
Roger Deschambeault
Breeder: Aled Owen
Hips OFA Good
CEA DNA Normal

##Bob ISDS 224454
Aled Owen
Breeder: D. Patrick, Yorks

Carl ISDS 188967
R. Collins, Scot.
Nell ISDS 171678
D. Patrick, England

Kate ISDS 226291
Aled Owen
Breeder: J E Lightfoot, UK
Bwlch Hemp ISDS 201604
Mrs. C. S. Rundle
Twiggy ISDS 198145
Miss K. Humphreys, Wales

Mel ABC 215991
Darlene Hutchins
Breeder: R.W. Jones
Hips OFA Good
CEA DNA Normal

##Roy ISDS 200199
Aled Owen

#Ben ISDS 129820
Aled Owen
Nel ISDS 174815
Aelwyn Owen

Mist ISDS 232413
R.W. Jones, Llangwm, Corwen

Storm ISDS 207568
J.M. Ellis
Mist ISDS 223119
P.D. Ellis